Here is a picture of the boats being crammed like sardines into the Small Locks.
Because of the amount of time and the number of boats that come through the Locks they put as many boats as possible (safely) into the Locks at one time. One neat thing about the Small Locks is the fact that the walls that the boats tie onto actually move up and down, so the ropes do not have to be pulled throughout the lock experience, instead they tie in and wait for the water levels to change.
Here is a picture looking under part of the bridge that runs along the dam between Puget Sound and Lake Washington.
It was fun to get out and enjoy the crisp blue sky and see the beautiful fall colors. So I decided to take some photos of the yellows, oranges and reds that remind me that fall is here. I think fall is so beautiful, that I had to at least try to capture it on "film" -digital that is- So this first photo is me standing at the base of a gorgeous tree, that is going through the transformation of spring to fall to winter, looking straight up through the branches at the levels of leaves.
This second one is of the same tree, but focusing on the top leaves against the crisp blue sky.
Now we will move onto the botanical garden photos that consisted of a number of different flowers and leaves. Yesterday I had a fascination with the colorful leaves, so the first two photos are of just different leaves that were growing together in the same planters and looking really pretty.
Here are some more leaves...
Then of course I took photos of the flowers because they are so pretty. I really liked all the fuschia bushes. This first one reminded me of water droplets hanging on to the ends.
This next one was pretty cool because of the fact that the fuschia flowers are in focus, but the rest is not really.
And for good measure, here is another picture of a fuschia plant with some begonias along with it.
The next photo is some dahlias that we came across on our way to leave. The vivid colors were so magnificent.
These next flowers I believe are geraniums, but if I am wrong anyone...feel free to correct me. I forgot to look at the signs telling me what they were, instead was caught up taking photos of them. These I liked because of the leaves edges.
Now we have moved on to the purple flowers that I have absolutely no idea what they are. Again....was focused on the flower and not the name, therefore I really have no idea what these ones are. This first one was a tree.
And this next one was a bush. The center flowers are out of focus, but the leaves were very crisp, and the photo still had a cool effect.
Lastly, what is a day out and about without at least one picture of my husband. Mind you I took others, but liked this one. He was walking back towards me because we were ready to head back toward the other side of the lake, and I was able to snap the picture quick enough that it came out looking rather good.
Hope you enjoyed seeing about our day at the Ballard Locks and botanical Garden.