Monday, March 12, 2007

Pelicans from Christmas

When we went to California for Christmas the one thing I wanted to do while we were there was take a trip to the beach. So a couple days after Christmas we headed over to Pismo Beach so while we were there we took some photos and had lunch at Splash Cafe for some of the best clam chowder ever that is served in a decadent sourdough bowl.

But before we got lunch we did take photos, and here are some of a Pelican that was standing on the edge of one of the pier railings letting people get somewhat close considering how they normally fly away when people get near.

Up Close & Personal with the Pelican

As I said he stayed for quite some time, so I got a number of different shots, but he never flew away so I could get a shot of him flying

Content on the Pier

The Base of the Vase

So one of the things I like about my arrangement of flowers is the bottom of the base where I used an assortment or rocks & pebbles to hold the stems in place and give some bottom weight to the arrangement. Therefore I present you a picture of just the base.

Rocks and Stems

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Here is a picture of my first bit of decorating our new home. On Sunday afternoon while Matt & I waited for HalfPrice Books to figure out how to give us back almost nothing for 100 books we went into JoAnnes to look for silk flowers for me to make an arrangement out of and this is what we ended up with.

Decorating the House