Saturday, February 12, 2005

Photo Time Line-Almost 3 Years

I went to visit Matt for my first excursion to Seattle. He took me on a dinner cruise on Puget Sound. We enjoyed a full meal and enjoyable relaxation, picture taking and feeling the cool air (when we ventured outside). It was definitely something I enjoyed and had never experienced anything quite like it.

Dinner Cruise on Puget Sound

Just ignore the guy behind us...We didn't think about what was behind us when our waiter took the photo for us.


Anonymous said...

HEYYYY Amanda !! You are beautiful.
And Matt looks very happy as well. what a great photo. I can't wait to see "The Dress !!"


Amanda Swann said...

Thanks Jeremy!

I am sure after the wedding there will be wedding photos posted, so you, Matt and everyone else will have to wait another 4.5 months to see it :-)